Ending a Casual Relationship

Nowadays, it might seem like casual relationships are more common than serious ones. You might call it an open relationship or a friend with benefits, but they all amount to the same thing: a relationship that's usually sexual in nature, but without any form of commitment attached to it.Casual relationships can be fun and fulfilling. They can provide you with...[ read more ]

Skip the Ice Cream: Here’s A Better Post-Breakup Plan

Breakups are hard, there’s no two-ways about it. The emotional toll is enough to send many women into the fetal position with one hand wrapped around a spoon and the other around a pint of Häagen-Dazs®.The problem with reaching for comfort foods in times of crisis is that they set us up to feel even worse. Yes, sugar absolutely gives...[ read more ]

Swiping Left: Tips on Dealing with Unwanted Romantic Attention Online

Many of us are all too familiar with this uncomfortable scenario: someone initially catches your eye, but for one reason or another you lose interest. After letting them know you’ve changed your mind and are no longer interested, they keep messaging you. Or perhaps you’ve never been interested in someone, but they seem to think you’re wrong about your own...[ read more ]

How to Tell Your Partner About Your Past Sexual Abuse

Relationships always start out on a high note. Your mutual attraction combined with your commonalities stirs up your feelings, while finding out about your differences and exploring the world together makes your relationship fresh and exciting. When your relationship starts to become more intimate, you may start to wonder when the right time is for you to open up to...[ read more ]

“Who Wears the Pants?” Advice for Balancing the Power in Your Relationship

When it comes to relationships, it seems there is often a driving force behind the couple, or one partner who seems to always have the upper hand. This is often referred to as “wearing the pants.” The partner who “wears the pants” is the one most often in control of the relationship.“Wearing the Pants”But what does it mean to have...[ read more ]


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