Skip the Ice Cream: Here’s A Better Post-Breakup Plan

Breakups are hard, there’s no two-ways about it. The emotional toll is enough to send many women into the fetal position with one hand wrapped around a spoon and the other around a pint of Häagen-Dazs®.The problem with reaching for comfort foods in times of crisis is that they set us up to feel even worse. Yes, sugar absolutely gives...[ read more ]

5 Daily Self-Care Exercises for Survivors of Abuse

Unfortunately, being a survivor of trauma or abuse is exceedingly common. According to the National Children’s Alliance, nearly 700,000 children are abused in the U.S. annually. And according to the Center for Disease Control’s 2017 National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, nearly 1 in 4 adult women and approximately 1 in 7 adult men report having experienced severe physical...[ read more ]

What Happy People Do Differently

Do a search right now on Amazon books on the topic of “Happiness” and you will be returned page after page of titles, all claiming to have the secret to finding it. Why our obsession with happiness? Maybe the better questions is, why does happiness seem to elude so many people? At one time, humans were too busy running from...[ read more ]

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